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Controls [vb.net] 글꼴 크기를 포함하여 양식의 크기가 조정될 때 모든 컨트롤의 동적 크기 조정 및 위치 조정

페이지 정보

작성자 하나를하더라도최선을
댓글 0건 조회 9,281회 작성일 20-08-21 04:44


A complete Form code example:

Public Class Form1

Dim rs As New Resizer

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize


End Sub

End Class

The complete class code is as follows:


' Resizer

' This class is used to dynamically resize and reposition all controls on a form.

' Container controls are processed recursively so that all controls on the form

' are handled.


' Usage:

' Resizing functionality requires only three lines of code on a form:


' 1. Create a form-level reference to the Resize class:

' Dim myResizer as Resizer


' 2. In the Form_Load event, call the Resizer class FIndAllControls method:

' myResizer.FindAllControls(Me)


' 3. In the Form_Resize event, call the Resizer class ResizeAllControls method:

' myResizer.ResizeAllControls(Me)



Public Class Resizer


' ControlInfo

' Structure of original state of all processed controls


Private Structure ControlInfo

Public name As String

Public parentName As String

Public leftOffsetPercent As Double

Public topOffsetPercent As Double

Public heightPercent As Double

Public originalHeight As Integer

Public originalWidth As Integer

Public widthPercent As Double

Public originalFontSize As Single

End Structure


' ctrlDict

' Dictionary of (control name, control info) for all processed controls


Private ctrlDict As Dictionary(Of String, ControlInfo) = New Dictionary(Of String, ControlInfo)


' FindAllControls

' Recursive function to process all controls contained in the initially passed

' control container and store it in the Control dictionary


Public Sub FindAllControls(thisCtrl As Control)

'-- If the current control has a parent, store all original relative position

'-- and size information in the dictionary.

'-- Recursively call FindAllControls for each control contained in the

'-- current Control

For Each ctl As Control In thisCtrl.Controls


If Not IsNothing(ctl.Parent) Then

Dim parentHeight = ctl.Parent.Height

Dim parentWidth = ctl.Parent.Width

Dim c As New ControlInfo

c.name = ctl.Name

c.parentName = ctl.Parent.Name

c.topOffsetPercent = Convert.ToDouble(ctl.Top) / Convert.ToDouble(parentHeight)

c.leftOffsetPercent = Convert.ToDouble(ctl.Left) / Convert.ToDouble(parentWidth)

c.heightPercent = Convert.ToDouble(ctl.Height) / Convert.ToDouble(parentHeight)

c.widthPercent = Convert.ToDouble(ctl.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(parentWidth)

c.originalFontSize = ctl.Font.Size

c.originalHeight = ctl.Height

c.originalWidth = ctl.Width

ctrlDict.Add(c.name, c)

End If

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

If ctl.Controls.Count > 0 Then


End If

Next '-- For Each

End Sub


' ResizeAllControls

' Recursive function to resize and reposition all controls contained in the Control

' dictionary


Public Sub ResizeAllControls(thisCtrl As Control)

Dim fontRatioW As Single

Dim fontRatioH As Single

Dim fontRatio As Single

Dim f As Font

'-- Resize and reposition all controls in the passed control

For Each ctl As Control In thisCtrl.Controls


If Not IsNothing(ctl.Parent) Then

Dim parentHeight = ctl.Parent.Height

Dim parentWidth = ctl.Parent.Width

Dim c As New ControlInfo

Dim ret As Boolean = False


'-- Get the current control's info from the control info dictionary

ret = ctrlDict.TryGetValue(ctl.Name, c)

'-- If found, adjust the current control based on control relative

'-- size and position information stored in the dictionary

If (ret) Then

'-- Size

ctl.Width = Int(parentWidth * c.widthPercent)

ctl.Height = Int(parentHeight * c.heightPercent)

'-- Position

ctl.Top = Int(parentHeight * c.topOffsetPercent)

ctl.Left = Int(parentWidth * c.leftOffsetPercent)

'-- Font

f = ctl.Font

fontRatioW = ctl.Width / c.originalWidth

fontRatioH = ctl.Height / c.originalHeight

fontRatio = (fontRatioW +

fontRatioH) / 2 '-- average change in control Height and Width

ctl.Font = New Font(f.FontFamily,

c.originalFontSize * fontRatio, f.Style)

End If


End Try

End If

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

'-- Recursive call for controls contained in the current control

If ctl.Controls.Count > 0 Then


End If

Next '-- For Each

End Sub

End Class


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